BSN from University of Minnesota School of Nursing
Masters of Arts in Health and Wellness, Boulder Grad School
Certified Holistic Nurse, AHNA
Certified Healing Touch International Practitioner and Instructor
Certified Journal Instructor, The Center for Journal Therapy
Certified Massage Therapist
The most important part of healing is connecting with your heart and your Divine Essence.
Heart-Centered Living is our true life mission.
Each moment we have the choice between Love and Fear.
Be aware of your choices of thoughts and words moment by moment. A simple sentence can either open hearts or close them.
If I treat you, I help you for a day. If I teach you, I help you for a lifetime.
– Unkown
Certified If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
– Wayne Dyer
Anne. L. Day,
Holistic Nurse, Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor and Journaling Instructor
Anne has over 40 years experience as a holistic nurse and health educator. She has a Masters of Arts in Health and Wellness, is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor, Certified Holistic Nurse, Massage Therapist, Journal Instructor, and a recognized speaker and leader in the areas of healing, holism, journaling and presence.
Anne has been a visionary in helping to build two holistic health centers in Lakewood, Colorado. She is the past President of Healing Touch International, and was a charter member of the HTI Board of Directors for over 8 years. Anne has been a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association since 1988. She founded Healing Touch Hawaii in 1996 and is actively teaching and supporting HT classes in Hawaii, as well as classes on the mainland of the US, and internationally. She has been a lead instructor for Healing Touch since 1990, teaching Levels 1 – 5, and assisted Janet Mentgen in the development of the curriculum for the Practitioner levels of Healing Touch.
Janet Mentgen RN, (pictured with Anne above) is the Founder of Healing Touch and was a colleague, mentor, business partner and friend. Janet also founded Healing Touch International and was the President for 6 years. Anne followed Janet as the second President of HTI, pictured above in January of 2002. Anne is presently President of Healing Touch California.
Anne is dedicated to bringing Healing Touch and other integrative therapies into mainstream health care. She is passionate about teaching others to connect with their inner healing potential. Her private practice includes Healing Touch, therapeutic massage, wellness counseling and guided imagery for healing.
Through the teaching of Healing Touch and Journaling, Anne is able to open others to their healing potential and deeper development of mind, body and spirit.
Anne also offers Healing Touch sessions in her home office by appointment.